Fifty Shades of Sydney – Chapter 13 + Galaxtree



Just some little words to say that everything is okay but, with all this master applications and with the beginning of the second semester, I do not really find the time to write long piece of text here.

My trip to the Blue Mountains was really nice, especially the hike to Wentworth Waterfalls. The landscapes are breathtaking and despite the heat (more than 36°) and a tricky part where you have to climb ladders, the view is well worth the effort!! I will post something exclusively on this area.

Today, you can see that I am still obsessed with the idea of drawing the galaxy and tree. Voilà voilà

Sorry for dashing off this post 😀



Fifty Shades of Sydney – Chapter 11 & 12

blue_city brown

If you really want it, but only if you really want to, I can post my research paper in which I discuss how the introduction of social media has changed the face of communication today. I read sooo many papers from both sceptical and (over) optimistic scientists that I don’t know what to think anymore.

One thing is sure, I can’t stop thinking about one article in particular: “Is google making us stupid ?” written by Nicholas Carr.

*Mini quote from my research paper*

“In addition, it seems that surfing the Internet has affected our capacity of deep reading which is directly related to our capacity of thinking (Carr 2008, p.94)”

As you might guess, he thinks that we all become drongo because of internet. (If you are wondering right now what drongo is,naah, it is just some Australian slang.. let me at least try to be cool). I let you read and make your mind, or I should say I let you scan it. LOL. That was so funny. Now you have to read it for real to understand my joke!!

Anyway, you have to read and decide whether the Internet has made you smarter than you were or… not.

I, for certain, think that my general knowledge has improved like hell thanks to Wikipedia… Déjà, j’ai appris pleins de trucs rien que pour gagner des paris (j’arrivais à traduire cette phrase). Who has never bet that Naypyidaw was indeed the capital of Burma ?

For sure, my general knowledge has improved but sometimes for the worse… especially when I ended up reading something about Freemasonry at 4 on the morning… (I am kidding Papa Maman I am never awake after 9 p.m)

I am not sure that I have improved in all area though. On paper (and even on computer you might quip) the way I write is disastrous especially when it comes to spelling task. BUT it is not like I have ever been good at dictation or grammar. 😀

Right, she’ll be! as would say my dear Aussies.

There is not much to say about the Fifty Shades of the week. Expect that I am seriously thinking about changing the concept of “50 shades of Sydney” into “20 shades of Sydney”. Haha…

In one week, I will finish this INTENSE English lecture. Amen !!!


Fifty Shades of Sydney – Chapter 10



I hope you’re having warm and peaceful Holiday season. I hope that you didn’t overeat, or at least, I hope that you didn’t overeat as much as I did.

We have a tiny little bit exaggerated with meals…..

Right now I am preparing myself mentally, physically and spiritually for new (year) good resolutions. Yay ! Notably, I want to stop eating junk food. I know what you think: every year it is the same story. BUT THIS TIME, IT IS GOING TO WORK ! I feel it ! I am reading some motivational-book-written-by-Cameron-Diaz (no comment) so from that moment, “anything is possible” (direct quote from my housemate).

All of that is to say that I wish you a happy new year !!! May the force be with you for this new year !

For this drawing, I have been inspired by an old one that I made four years ago (how old!). See below. I was very proud at that time and I have to admit that it is still one of my favourite 🙂 (big up Océane).

The big -real- fan of Walt Disney can recognize Princess Rapunzel or Tangled.

I am almost half my exchange and it is only and already the 10th drawing of the Fifty Shades series. It is going complicated to achieve the 40 skylines left in 6 months but I will do my best.


Fifty Shades of Sydney – Chapter 9


Rainy Day

People often think that the sun shines no stop here, like at night, during the day, during the summer and in winter. Well, I used to think that too.

In fact, it is not true at all. For example, right now, the temperature is warm but it’s raining cats and dogs!

I do not worry too much about the weather because at least, when it is raining we have a tremendous excuse for watching Harry Potter without being riddled with guilt.

We will never change about Harry Potter.

(I am still gone :D)