Yeaaaah !
Monthly Archives: September 2015
“Well, that was awesome.”
I am sorry I didn’t release theses days..
Dude, I cannot explain by words what it was like, what we saw, what we have lived.
Hopefully, my drawings will speak for themselves (even though I’m translating literally from the French right now, I’ve improved my English like crazy !)
I just want to add that we listened Red Hot Chili Peppers forever on repeat. I guess their songs are perfect for “hitting the road”.
Fifty Shades of Sydney – Chapter 4
The Return of the Cap
In my IT & Society class, we were supposed to created and feed a blog in group. My classmates chose to do a blog about Fashion at University.
As I am not big on it (at all), I did my best to contribute in a creative way.
“For this second post I would like to talk about the Snapback. This old-school yet classic accessory can give you the statement you are looking for to add to your next look.
The Snapback is a versatile accessory – you can wear it either with a skirt or with casual jeans. Cara Delavigne is a fantastic example of someone who plays with the cap all the time. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can check her out for ideas on any of her social media platforms.
Here is my design for a snapback to make you the coolest kid at Macquarie University!
Hope you’ll like it 😉 !”
The Art of Conversation
PS : The text on the right comes directly from the Wikipedia page about Judith Butler. (Paragraph : “Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “Sex” (1993)).
“She doesn’t give a shit”
Old style Selfie
Fifty shades of Sydney – Chapter 3
Who those who have spent a lot of time with me lately, might know that I am obsessed with the idea of drawing the milky way. Or drawing the galaxy in general.
After few fails, I finally watched a tutorial on youtube.
As you can see, it is not the expected result..
And I didn’t have an extra toothbrush at my disposal so I tried to make stars with a Tipp-Ex…