“This, My Dear, Is What They Call an Adventure”


Here we are: this is the last post that I will write in Australia.

Mind you, this is not the last one that will be about Australia. Because man, I still have 34 shades of Sydney to go haha… What a stupid challenge xD ! No seriously, I am cool with that: I have my whole life to achieve that set of drawings and I am far from being short of ideas. ‘just a bit concerned about time management though..

This post will not be the last one about Australia also because I still have unpublished or not yet completed drawings on hand. Actually, there are even drawings related to Australia that I really want to make but that I have not even started yet.

C’est pour dire les copains!

I am leaving, but it is far from being over. It is only the beginning actually. (et c’est là où je sors ma cape de super héros et je survole Gotham city avec une musique stylée en background) (ok il est vraiment tard là).

One year exactly has passed (remember? “The time is very important!”) since I left Geneva with my blond hair and my teddy bear pyjama. Although I am not blond anymore (finally!), I am still wearing my teddy bear pyjama right now but I will abandon it here. I made up my mind: not enough room in my suitcase and this thing now just looks like a kind a musty fungi as my best friend has pointed out during one of our Skype session (merci pour ta franchise Vic). Tu as fait ton temps fidèle pyjama: Thank you for keeping me warm during these two harsh australien winters (je crois que j’ai oublié ce qu’était un hiver européen et je vais vraiment prendre lourd en rentrant).

Honestly, I won’t even try to make a review of the entire year in this post even though people keep asking my top ten/top five/top thirty-four-and-half of my experiences here. And I am always like… “mm, let me think about..” and finish up with “..Sorry, I have no clue…

The true is that I don’t have any particular and sensational events that I could show off about such as “a skydiving jump in the sunrise” or “kissing an alligator while wearing a flamingo costume” (le truc qui n’a pas de sens) or stuff like that. I would say that it is more an accumulation of small little things, small events and small steps that I took.. all of that taken together, have turned the whole exchange into something very special to me.

Or I do have few of those “crazy” experiences that people love to hear about like: Yes I held a koala, yes I fed kangaroos, yes I tried to surf (don’t get excited about it, it is not my cup of tea). Now that I think about it, except the Great Barrier Reef that I didn’t manage to see, I did pretty much most of the things you are expected to do in Australia when you travel around. I mean, the big things obviously, because when you look at the map of the country, you understand right away that one, two or even five years wouldn’t be enough to visit everything in Australia.

Anyway.. for me, these experiences to check or tick were definitely not what have been the most important or memorable thing (okay, holding a koala was quite cool 😉  (and Uluru and hitting the road and Bali and the Opera House…^.^)

Non mais pour de vrai.

I have been more focused on learning to live here (or surviving I must say) on the mundane, rather than trying to have the hottest picture of me (especially because I have been dressing like a obo during the year LOL).

I guess that is one of the reasons why I started this blog one year ago; so that people can just keep themselves updated on what is happening here if they are interested in and I am kind of avoiding the famous question at my return that would go like:

Alors.. c’était comment? Raconte un peu !

Damned, je la vois venir gros comme une maison. Aussi gros que celles d’avant mon départ du style que j’ai entendu 1000 fois: “Alors? T’es prête pour l’aventure ? T’as peur des requins un peu, et des araignées ? tu sais j’ai lu un article sur les animaux les plus dangereux du monde qui disait que.. Si non, t’as trouvé un appart ? Tu vas faire du surf ? Tu vas kiffer des surfeurs un peu ? etc, etc»

Questions auxquelles je répondais pratiquement toujours non. Étant donné que « Nan, je suis pas prête, nan j’ai pas peur des requins et nan j’ai pas d’appart. » « Mais par contre j’ai pris mes billets d’avion. »

Just to be clear, I blame nobody because I do the same and I will continue to do it because, what else can you say to someone who is about to leave for one year to the other side of the world with no apparent -in my case no actual- preparation?! Carpe Diem? Te fais pas bouffer par un serpent?  I am going to miss you ma poule? Oublie pas de rentrer?


although I said that I would not give you a review, I’ll be happy to release the breaking news right here right now:

Believe it or not, I have officially succeded my one-year exchange at Macquarie University which means that I have completed my bachelor degree of University of Lausanne!!! I wasn’t worried too much but receiving my results that came out on yesterday was still a bit of a relief 😀 After 5 years of twists, I have now a double-degree of computer-sciences-applied-to-humanities-and-geography, bitches!

And… I have been accepted to the media design master offered by the HEAD!! ADVENCED!!!!

Et puis.. j’ai des nouvelles binocles (“Putain on le saura…”)! Mais j’adore mes nouvelles binocles. Elle sont super chouettes!

In short, throughout all these challenges and victories, this exchange has been a life-changing experience.

This exchange has been a life-changing experience even though I have been homesick the first eleven months (haha) (I do this not-so-joke everytime people ask me how I think about Australia xD).
It has been a life-changing experience, even though every unit that I took at Uni has been challenging and every assignments that I had to do for my Unit have been a “f*cking nightmare” as would say my father, well-known for his patience and calmness ♥.
It has been a life-changing experience, even though I am still struggling with English (and I probably always will) and finally, this exchange has been a great life-changing experience despite the fact I have been missing you a lot.

Ça m’a changé la vie les mecs! Mais pas pour les raisons que les gens s’imaginent (ah bah c’est sûr que c’est pas moi qui vais vous envoyer du rêve avec toutes les soirées Erasmus que je n’ai pas faites haha)

Now that I am standing on “the top of this mountain”, that I can admire the beautiful view and celebrate all my victories of the year, I can say that it was definitely worth all of these efforts and I don’t regret anything. “Noooon, rien de rienn, nonnn je ne regrette rien” (même pas mes cours d’anglais hard core qui m’ont fait me lever à l’heure des poules pendant un mois ! Enfin ptet que je regrette un peu mais comme ce qui est fait est fait j’ai envie d’dire..)

Bref, thank you for following my adventures; it has been a real pleasure to write for you, to draw for you, to think about you, to be accompanied by you throughout this amazing journey and to receive all these feedbacks on this blog. I hope you didn’t go mental with my mix of French and English (j’avoue que j’ai abusé vers la fin xD)

I am so happy of finishing the year on such a positive note! That is a wonderful reward!

This drawing has been inspired from the cover of one of my favourite comic books “Lou! Tome 3 : Le cimetière des autobus” written by Julien Neel. I chose this one to illustrate this packing-one-year-article because I could utterly relate to what Lou is going though in this volume and since this drawing took me ages to achieve, I feel like it is the highlight (almost the little master piece) of this exchange (even though I messed up again with the shadows and perspectives). I also feel like the title of the post is so much in tune with this exchange that is so much in tune with this drawing:

“This, My Dear, Is What They Call an Adventure”

Just so you know, about what I said when I was half-way through my exchange, remember, that I wasn’t ready to come home and stuff like that…

I just wanted to let you know that..

I am ready to come home now

Enfin après le Japon quand même!

See ya physically and digitally in three weeks ♪ ♫

And just below, this is my song of the year that it has been played for ever on repeat especially during the very ups and the very downs. I discovered it last year with Nina and Stephen, when I visited them in Basel to see the Gauguin exhibition that was held at the Beyeler foundation. Such a cool song! Whenever I listen to it, I feel like I am such a strong human being (I am!) with so much potential and that life offers so many opportunities to grow! Bodhisattva of the Earth Baby!

Signée : Elsa King Lioness

PS: OMG, it is 06am30, I can see the sun rising and I can hear the dawn chorus. I will take a picture just to prove you that I am telling the true. Punaise,  I am going to be a wreck tomorrow I cannot remember the last time I wrote an article that late. It must have been during my high school years when I was chatting on msn and writing about my life on skyrock..


Sunrise & Gumtree (photo prise depuis le perron de ma maison)

Pour finir (pour de bon cette fois), voici un auto-portrait que j’avais publié sur Instagram, trois mois après mon arrivée. J’avais pas encore mes nouvelles lunettes mais je prenais déjà cher à l’Uni 😀

Légende Instagram de la photo: "Aujourd'hui cela fait trois mois jour pour jour que je suis arrivée en Australie. Bilan : je parle toujours pas anglais mais mes leçons de guitare se passent bien. 😄"

Légende Instagram de la photo: “Aujourd’hui cela fait trois mois jour pour jour que je suis arrivée en Australie. Bilan : je parle toujours pas anglais mais mes leçons de guitare se passent bien. 😄”

– published from Singapour Airport.

More Quality Time, More Gum Trees and More Sunsets

gumtree (2)

Oh my god, I cannot believe there are only two weeks left before the big departure!! I am not ready! “That’s because you have so many shits to pack….”

Very true. (that’s a shame..)

But also, I had not realized how many important people were out there until I started to organize my farewell events. Actually, I really want to take the time to say properly goodbye to each of them (through tea-time and scones orgies, Mexican night(s), picnic and strolls, lunchs, diners, exhibitions (especially Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera at the NSW Gallery) coffees, coreen BBQ, brunch etc and why not a glass of wine at the Opera House but I cannot guarantee the Argyle afterwards haha). Bref, the next two weeks are packed, packed, packed with -I hope- lots of quality time in perspective.

I also want to see as many Gumtrees and Sunset as possible. I could never get enough of these.. and it definitely something that I will be missing.

I know that we do have sunsets in Europe as well but… it is not the same.

The last couple of weeks have been quite intense. Uluru was just an amazing experience; we slept outside under the milky way (♥.♥) and around a campfire. It has reminded memories from all my scout camps. I also met great people, I laughed, I really tried to be mindful during the entire journey so that I could enjoy to the fullest. That is a difficult exercise, but when you manage to be in present moment, you get to deeply connect with the place and as he said “something magical happens”.

I feel like I made the most of this trip to the northern territory. 🙂

Actually, I feel like I made the most of this exchange.

and I am so excited of seeing you soon.

One day in Cabramatta – Another Atypical Assignment…


The following is an excerpt from our -professional- report and a deep (lol) analysis of our sense of place.

“The area seemed mainly Vietnamese although we did observe a few Chinese places as well. It was interesting because some of us felt like we were overseas somehow. Alison, who was born in Australia, was not surprised because she is used to it. However, Hugo being from England and Elsa being from France* were more surprised to find this micro society within Australia.

We took some pictures below the arch of friendship (or Pai Lau), just before the freedom Plaza.

This arch, with the quote “The World is for us to share and to respect”, seems to welcome every visitor no matter where they come from. Moreover, other inscriptions written in different language can be observed on the façade, and after further research, we learnt that it is written in Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian and English. This symbolizes the harmonious and multiculturalist aspect of Cabramatta and Australia in general. ”

*from France AND Switzerland 😀

One thing that I understand now is that historical trajectories are embedded into every cultural landscape and you could ‘read’ it as you would read a text somehow.

You could. It doesn’t mean that’s easy…


Related to the topic it would have been relevant to put “Love Generation” from Bob Sinclar but I prefer to share with you this song from an Australian Indie pop band (= gros gros hipsters) . ♪

♫ welcome to the world of our love ♫


Vivid Sydney: Light, Music & Ideas


From the 27th to the 18th of June, Vivid is held in Sydney.

Vivid Sydney is an annual outdoor lighting festival with immersive light installations and projections in Sydney. But concretely (or conceptually) it is a celebration of both art and technology, and both are brought together. (That makes me think about my future master hehe :D)

Here are some of my pictures. The quality is a shame compared to what it was so that is why I strongly recommend that you check their website.

Or that you look at “vivid sydney 2016” on google image 😀

I have been very impressed by the installations in the city but I must say that the most spectacular was the one on the Opera house.

For half an hour or so, the petals of this –already amazing- building are recovered by incredible animations and artwork. It was so beautiful, so magical and so real at the same time. It was exactly as if the artworks were part of the walls, were the walls. I was completely immersed… actually it is very hard to come up with a good description of this experience. What is also very meaningful is that these artists come from aboriginal communities, and for the period of the festival, it is aboriginal art that light up not only the opera house but the entire city.

Below, please find a more professional and more accurate description of the installation:

Lighting the Sails for the eighth year of Vivid Sydney, Sydney Opera House will transform into an animated canvas of Australian indigenous art featuring iconic contemporary works from Karla Dickens, Djon Mundine, Gabriella Possum Nungurrayi, Reko Rennie, Donny Woolagoodja, and the late Gulumbu Yunupingu.

Celebrating First Nations’ spirituality and culture through the songlines of our land and sky, this year’s Lighting the Sails is about painting and celebrating country through a pattern of sharing systems, interconnected history lines and trade routes. Lighting the Sails Director and Head of Indigenous Programming at Sydney Opera House Rhoda Roberts has selected six artists of different clans, national estates and territories for an immersive projected artwork that weaves through time and distance.

Vivid website


That night, I have been to my first (and probably last since it is almost the end of my exchange) concert at the opera house to see:

Antony and the Johnson ♪ ♫

I leave you with one song:


Sea + Sunsets = Seasets + Lemon Tree


Dear you,

As I told you before, I have been to Melbourne a couple of days for holiday just before the beginning of the semester. There, I didn’t draw that much, instead I took a lot of pictures.
As my real camera is still resting somewhere in France (I know exactly where it is. I can perfectly visualize it, in my closet on the bottom left. Oh dear.. why am I so scatterbrained sometimes?), I bought a disposable camera for the occasion. This has made me a bit nostalgic because whenever I went on holiday with friends or summer camp, I use to buy a disposable camera. I started out with a basic and legendary red Kodak than I have upgraded for the waterproof one.

Those were the days I can tell….

Anyway, I have just developed the film and though I didn’t remember taking as much pictures of sunset as I actually did, I am rather happy with the result:





The moon and I



Fisherperson (a lot of changes can occur into everyday language. That is why it is time to be a bit progressive and to stop the fireman, fisherman thing & cie) 😀


Little bird.


And my favourite:

there was something special about that sunset in particular..

It was …gorgeous!


Besides, I think that the person (or computer, you never know nowadays) who was in charge of developing the camera’s film, has heavily processed my photographs on its own initiative. Like, the colours, the luminosity and the contrast are supernatural sometimes. I did not ask for that but I like it that way. And it is true that all the sunsets that I have been able to see were magical somehow.

Concerning the Lemon Tree:
During my stay in Melbourne, we have been to Point Lonsdale for the week-end. In the garden of my host’s (beautiful) house, you could see a lovely lemon tree with one lemon swaying in the wind.

No, no, no. It is not far-fetched at all ! This lemon tree has a legitimate place in this post. It belongs to the Melbourne-trip-thematic.

Allez, bisous.

PS: while you are walking along the ocean, or sea, or lake or whatever, you can listen at Ocean – John Butler. It puts you straight into the mood for that. (Courtesy of Lucy)

Bookshop & Big City Life & Time


Sofia & National Geographic – Ampersand Cafe & Bookstore

Today, with a great deal of pleasure (fancy, I know..), I’d like to introduce to you my second favourite district in Sydney (after the Rocks ) which is… toum toum..

Paddington !

Between the cute handicraft shops, art galleries or nice places where you can share a drink, you will undoubtedly find something to please yourself.
Paddington is an inner-district: in terms of distance it is very close from the skyscrapers and from the “Australian Times Square” (yeah man, we have our own shopping sanctuary here). However when you are walking around Paddington, you don’t feel the hustle and bustle of daily life in Sydney. There are not that many cars, building height is quite low and you won’t find giant shopping mall. In short, it is like a remote village within a global city.

What this kind of place tells me is that I could live into a big city (and it is probably going to be the case because at some point, urban sprawl won’t be a possible scenario at all. This was engaged geography minute)

…I could live in  provided that it doesn’t look like a big city. This is where green infrastructure and others ways which try to make big-city-life better, come in.

Lucy, when I come back, we will be able to sing right. I finally looked up the real lyrics, not the one we used to sing in yahourt:
Big City Life, try forget by
Pressure nah ease up no matter how hard me try
Big City Life, my heart have no base
And right now Babylon deep on me case
People in a show, all lined in a row
We just push on by, it’s funny, how hard we try
Take a moment to relax, before you do anything rash

But let’s get back to our subject. Paddington.

We went to the “Ampersand Cafe & Bookstore” located on Oxford street.
This sophisticated venue is a wine bar, cafe & bookstore all rolled in to one. It reveals a hidden library upstairs, with book lined walls. Wooden tables and Bentwood chairs give the venue the feel of a chic living room. Ardent readers can enjoy browsing the titles on the shelves as they swap notes with their friends. All, of course, whilst enjoying a glass of wine or cocktail (Elsa’s Note : Or a cup of tea chaï) in hand

Books + Tea +  Wood+ Friend + Food = I was overjoyed!

Speaking about books, I currently am reading “The Power of Slow : 101 Ways to Save Time in our 24/7 World” written by Christine Louise Hohlbaum. It is interesting. Not everything but many things. For example, she challenges the idea that “Time in money” (big up Papa) or she busters “the Myth of Multitasking”. Eventually, the way she defines the notion of Time has made me think a lot.

Have you ever tried to fight the wind? If you were a fisherman, you would know it is not possible to combat a force much larger than yourself. You have to go with it, not against it, to maintain your own equilibrium. You can certainly harness the wind’s power with turbines and windmills; you can utilize its energy to propel yourself forward with sails and fibreglass. Despite all the things you can do with wind, it remains a juggernaut you cannot really control (…)

Time, my friend, is no different.” (p. 15)

She argues that we can actually save time by slowing down. It is cool. It has worked for me so far.

Also, I’d really recommend that all chronic procrastinators read it. 🙂 (Nana)

Okay it’s time to stop, I am hungry. I just want to say that now, I will post one article per week instead of one every 5 days. I am quite sure you would have noticed if I haven’t told you but I felt like I had to tell you (what a honest person!) It is just that now that I write more (wouhou), I need more time. And 5 days it is complicated to integrate into my routine.

If I feel brave, I will post more, but for the moment let’s say that Sunday will be my publication day. ♪♫

See you in 7 days.

Merry Christmas !


Sea and Christmas Tree

As Charlotte said :

“When you have the Christmas lights on AND the fan/air con.

How does this make sense?

 That is a powerful point.


A barbie. (Australian nickname for “Barbecue”)

From my point of view, having a barbecue, cooking tzatziki (you know the strained yoghurt mixed with cucumbers..), wearing shorts, complaining about the heat, listening Christmas Song while eating Ice Cream, swimming outside, going on the beach and getting a sunburnt … on Christmas Day,

seem all to be anachronisms.

According to Wikipedia, “an anachronism is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time.“. I am sure it exists a more accurate concept to explain what I feel by being in Australia during holidays season but I guess I didn’t listen enough my French class in High School..

Okay, it is the last time I speak about Christmas. ‘Just want to say that we had an overdose of Frank Sinatra’s songs and all the others typical songs. But I like this one, even if I didn’t drive home for Christmas.  ♪♫

Thank you for your messages/emails/parcels/thoughts!

Merry Christmas and Gros love !

Christmas In The Air




As I said on my Instagram account (to many social media, I got lost..) :

When you are too broke for gifts, do it yourself. So my house-mate got a travel diary. It is still more useful than the famous pasta necklace though. I feel sorry for all the French Mothers who have certainly received at some point a noodle jewel.


Why I Chose Australia


By the time you read this post, hopefully I will already be gone (to Bali, as a reminder). \0/

It is my compensation for not seeing my dear parents and sisters and friends for Christmas.

“I try not to miss a sunset here”

After all, I think that I chose to go to Australia for its vegetation and its sky. I am not disappointed I must say.

Here is a song for travelling :