This beautiful bird with red chicks is called the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), also known as the quarrion and the weiro (I must say that I prefer the French name: Calopsitte élégante ou simplement Calopsitte ou encore Perruche nymphique)
Hello my dear,
Can’t believe that one year has passed (I feel like I have been saying that every time I wrote here)
I have only three days left in Australia :’(boohoohoo :’) 😀 :/ ? (what do you think of my representation the concept of “mixed feelings” in emoji language?!) so, for the occasion I decided that I would publish one post per day (so three posts if my maths are good).
But I warn you: I am going to write all of them now, while we are in food coma after the coolest tea party of my life. My housemate made a crazy icing (I shouldn’t have looked at what she put inside though) on a crazy cake that another housemate had done yesterday at night instead of working on her thesis (I am kidding of course ♥). Just by looking at the cake and especially by tasting it you can say that they put their heart into it. By the way, this masterpiece will require a post in itself (as well as your scones Rebecca. I am fan of you. You rock.)
So we had a cake that weighted two stones. Besides, I have been quite enthusiastic at the cheese shop and… Anyway, now it is 8p.m and we are all dying on a couch watching Wall-E and waiting for the inevitable sugar hangover to hit us and finish us off.
“What a wild Friday night!” woohoo 😀
All that to say that after these three last posts in Australia I am taking a break of this blog for three weeks because… I am going to Japan before coming home!!!
It is going to be amaaaazing because those who know me well know that it has always been my dream because I don’t know.. I have always felt a connection with this country. It must be :
- Because of all these mangas (shit yeah) that I read throughout my childhood, teenagehood and early adulthood (because I AM an adult now! Dit-elle, avec détermination et puis un fort accent français)
- Because of the Spirited Away and all Miyazaki’s movies
- Because of my passion for origami, for sakura and cherry blossoms, for Haïkus, for kimonos, for kawaï shits (you know what I mean vilaine soeurs), or the idea that I have of Japenese garden… etc etc.
Also, it is going to be amazing because I am going with the coolest people ever (comment je fayote! :D)
In the meantime, I would like to share my drawing-birds-obsession. There we go:

(trop stylé! Par contre, en vrai, il a toujours l’air de mauvaise humeur..)

Introducing the Red-winged Fairywren. This one is the cuttest thing I have ever seen ♥

Peacock – although it is not specific to Australia. Oh well ♪♫
To finish:
Remember my game design class? Of course you remember, I can talk about nothing else but this unit…
Well, for the last assignment, we (my teammate and I) managed to imagine, design and to implement a video game with an environmental scope (Nana, are you proud of me?). How do you like that! It is called:
“Silent Spring”
Here is the high concept:
You are a bird, a plump yellow canary that is singing and flying around a big apple tree. Apples are growing on the tree and you have to eat them before they become overripe and fall off the tree onto the ground. At the same time, a naughty kid is trying to stop you: he is trying to stop you from singing, stop you from eating the fruit on the tree and stop you from flying. He gets his slingshot out, and tried to hit you with projectiles.
Once you die, the game goes silent, with only falling fruit to be heard.
This is a game with environmentalist scope behind to heighten awareness to the people about the damage that they cause to the earth and nature. Eventually, this is a tribute to Rachel Carson, one of the first environmentalist activist, who published in 1962 “Silent Spring” in which she denounced if conditions do not improve, species would die and we would witness a silent spring.
I was in charge of the tree, the growing/ripping/falling apples and the flying bird. I think that it is the first animation I have ever made so I am quite happy with the result (see below). And overall I think that we made a good job. Well done partner if you read this post! (no comment on your last minute style that caused my heart attack though)
Bon. On a un peu, voir carrément exagéré dans le cahier des charges surtout quand il a s’agit de justifier nos choix de design… J’ose même pas le relire en vrai haha

“Cui-cui” in French and “tweet tweet” in English

“I can fly”